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Thank you very much for visiting De Patchka.

We are an Asian cultural food spot, just like Japanese Depachika. Depachika refers to "Gourmet floors of department stores" in Japan.


We would like to be such a place for you.


We re-opened on 14th March 2020 as a vegan shop. We would like to try to offer tasty dishes, at the same time taking care our planet Earth.


We believe we can do it in parallel.


We try to present new vegan street food in the Amsterdam market. We think our dishes must have very strong flavours and seasoning to appeal to the locals with vegan ingredients. We would truly appreciate if you understand that our food is different from authentic traditional Korean and Japanese food. We have created a new vegan style of food.

De Patchka, 14th March 2020



De Patchka follows all general measures and advice regarding hygiene such as the disinfecting of surfaces such as entire kitchen facility and any door handles, shelves and WC water area several times a day. We also have the sanitizer pumps available at the customer area. 
You can find the complete set of measures and guidelines by the RIVM here. We kindly ask you to read these carefully prior to your visit.
We understand your concern in these times, but we would like to ensure you that De Patchka is taking all measures at heart and doing everything possible to protect the health of our customers and staff. We are constantly informed about the current situation. If anything changes, we will make sure to notify you. 
We wish you all the health in these upcoming times and hope to continue welcoming you at our restaurant. If you have any questions about the current situation, you can always email us.

Dear Customer

© 2019 by De Patchka

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